Have you ever felt like your current financial position is not where you wanted it to be? Maybe you’ve done well for yourself, but are not totally comfortable with the assets you have created. Possibly following the things we were taught in our earlier years by contributing to a 401k, putting money away towards your kid’s college fund, paying off debt, and saving whatever you can.

This was exactly my feeling one day as I sat down and looked at where I was positioned during an advanced stage in my career. One day I looked at my kids and realized they both were in high school preparing for college. I worked hard over the years to take care of my family. Working my way from being a talented graphic designer to a solopreneur, I had done my best at growing a career. However, I hadn’t positioned myself in a place where I could confidently say I was well prepared for retirement and college for two girls.

Life is hard. We are hammered with advertising every day by thousands of ads in the media of how we should look, feel, and live. We see fancy things that other people have or do and are made to feel like we need the same. However, this is not reality. We have been easily swayed to do what others perceive as right and the next thing you know, our time has been spent.

Some may be behind the eightball more than others. I personally wasn’t in a terrible place, but I wasn’t happy with my position. I was working constantly and at times felt like I was struggling to keep up. Maybe this is why I wasn’t where I wanted to be. I was working hard, but not smart. Which is why my assets were not exactly where I wanted them. I felt like I was constantly being chased by a dinosaur and spinning my wheels at times. So I asked myself, “How could I change this situation?”

I went on a deep soul searching period for about a month. I developed a new set of goals for myself by setting personal, professional and financial goals for both short and long term periods. Then I searched high and low on how to create my dream online business and found a solution.

I’m here to tell you that it’s never too late to make a change. As a matter of fact, we should all embrace change. Whenever there is a moment when I realize I’m not happy, I make a conscious decision to change direction and work towards the new goals I have set for myself.

Being in a position where you feel like something is chasing you and you’re not able to escape the financial burden you may be in is not fun. Especially if it’s doing something we don’t enjoy. However, we often forget that we have the ability to choose what direction we want to go.

Do we take the path where we continue to run and spin our wheels? Or do we take a different route to pursue our dreams? I chose the latter and I did so for my family. They don’t deserve to have a father or husband who decided to do nothing. They didn’t ask for someone to go along with the flow and hope for the best. They deserved a leader who was going to step up to the plate regardless of how challenging the situation was going to be.

I share this personal story with you because I know that there are others out there in a similar position. People who are accustomed to just “roll with it” and not try something new. I’m here to help those people that are just like I was through change.

Maybe you’re in a position where you don’t like your job and have considered becoming your own boss by building an online business. This is where I was personally. Possibly, you already have a business and you don’t know how best to scale it. Regardless of the situation you may be in, I’m here to share with you the exact blueprint of how I built and grew a seven figure business in a year from nothing.

I’m here to provide you with the resources that will help you avoid the roadblocks you will come across and by doing so you will save time, money, and expedite the process.

It’s never a great feeling to not be where you had hoped to be, however it’s also helpful to know that you have the ability to change. You have the power to stop being chased by whatever dinosaur is coming for you. Whether it be financial like I was in or something different. I’m here to help you by using a digital marketing blueprint to build your future.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to do what is best for your family. They deserve it. So let’s put the past where it belongs and embark on a journey to scale your online business venture.


Warmest Regards,
Jeff Welsh

Founder | Leader

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